
Welcome to our community of independent authors and artists. Support these creative authors and artist here! Pick a genre and it will take you to see their merchandise.

Featuring Dontia K Paul the author of the book series Dragon Keeper Chronicles. Along with Sandra Leigh the author of the book series The Griffon’s Rest.

Featuring Jason Payne the author of the graphic novel Princezz.

Featuring our current artist Heather Bonnstetter.

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If you know someone that writes children books recommend them here. Or if you write children books and want merchandise made fill out the form.

Recommend your favorite classical author here.

If you know someone that writes educational books recommend them here. Or if you write educational books and want merchandise made fill out the form.

If you know someone that writes historical books recommend them here. Or if you write historical books and want merchandise made fill out the form.

If you know someone that writes mystery books recommend them here. Or if you write mystery books and want merchandise made fill out the form.

If you know someone that writes poetry recommend them here. Or if you write children poetry and want merchandise made fill out the form.

If you know someone that writes sci-fi books recommend them here. Or if you write sci-fi books and want merchandise made fill out the form.

If you know of a traditional artist recommend them here. Or if you are a traditional artist and want merchandise made fill out the form.

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